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"Coaching for life, not just a game!"

Welcome To Beyond Just Hoops

We are quietly becoming one of the most exciting basketball programs in the Birmingham/Bessemer Area. Join us today to see what all the excitement is about!

Program News

Beyond Just Hoops is proud to announce that our program has been selected by the Better Basics to take part in it’s HOPE 21st Century Community Learning Program.

Welcome Back!

We are proud to announce that we're back and ready to start our 2022 program. Starting on February 4th. We will be at the Fairfield Recreational Center located at 6400 Terrace Ave, Fairfield Alabama 35064.

Register Today

Currently we are training at a limited capacity due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Register early to hold your place. More information will be coming soon about training classes and programs activities.

What Do We Offer


Skill Development

Our training programs are designed to help players develop their game. Players receive individual instructions in a competitive team-like atmosphere.


The Atmosphere

Our fun first, team-based philosophy creates an environment that is both exciting & promotes a positive learning experience.


All We Do Is bALL

Our lessons are incorporated directly into our workouts, so kids don’t get bored by long lectures! Nor do they lose valuable training time.

Countdown Until The Next Podcast
